
Hello Everyone Saffi in charge of this week’s blog!

As the youngest member of the Sphere Safety Seven I don’t know who well this go, but here we go.

As I am in charge of all things with green, and green normally mean go on your planet or in my case safe places and first aid, but also I hear that green can mean success so I have decided that Sphere does not talk enough about its success,  so I thought this blog would be ample opportunity as by last week alone we had over 25 pieces of new business. So how are we so successful and not only that how we use that success for our clients?

Firstly we hire the right people for the right job, our team both in the office and that out in the field are qualified and knowledgeable, we don’t hire those who cannot adapt to our rigorous training schedule, whether you have no knowledge or lots we make sure you flex your brains. We believe at Sphere that training is key, we train at every level of our business, and even our own MD has had to retrain in certain areas of his business so that can be a multi skilled worker, which is another aspect that we hold dear to our principles in Sphere. We believe that all our workers should be flexible with doing all jobs and be able to jump in and do little bits and here where they can. Whether that be invoicing, quality or even writing blogs like me. Just like the Sphere Safety Seven alone we are strong but together we are even stronger

we have in the past year won several regional awards, for various aspects of our business, with our staff receiving not only verbal but written testimonials as well for achieving outstanding service given to our clients.

Being a family firm we know that family does come first, so we as a business are also flexible so if you need to pop home because of the kids or even to deal with personal issues, we will not pressure or demand you to work extra hours for your own personal problems as we all have those, however if a person is taking excessive amounts of time off then a review will be held.

We are happy to boast that three members of Team Sphere have Chartered status at IOSH, while all other members are IOSH graduates or affiliated, basically Team Sphere love IOSH, but they are very good at making Health and Safety accessible to the masses with fun cartoons, after all health and safety isn’t the most exciting to most humans, but to us and the Safety Seven we love it. Also another member of our team is a CDM master with their RAMPS certificate under her belt.

And finally we are happy to announce that we have our first Sphere Mini minion, as one of our staff is pregnant and expecting very soon, we are so pleased to have her little bundle of joy on the way.

So have no fear when placing your faith in Sphere RHSM as they seem pretty good even if my opinion is slightly bias.

Thanks for reading my Blog.


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